Friday, December 5, 2014

Mamma's Book Review: Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters

Author: Ben H. Winters, original novel by Jane Austen
Recommended Reader Age: Young Adult to Adult
A fan-fiction novel of Sense and Sensibility set to the tune of Sea Monsters!

Wow! What a fun book! When I first came across these fan fiction novels it was in the form of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (check back later for that review!). I was outraged! How dare these men mess with my Jane! I got over myself though and decided to give it a try. I knew that getting my literacy tutees to read in general would be easier if they were interested in the content. Well, to most people, sea monsters are a bit more interesting than 19th century women's lives. Sure, enough; my students started reading, taking notes and expressing their opinions. So, I decided to keep looking into these fan fiction novels. 

Keep an eye out for this one. Just when you think it's safe to go back into the water, it's not! Just as events start to settle back into daily routine and peace, BAM! all heck breaks loose!

If you're an Austen fan like myself rest easy. The author's of these fan fiction novels stay true to Ms Austen's writing style. They merely take artistic licensing and add in sea monsters at critical moments. Besides, get people interested in the story and eventually they will want to read the original ;)

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